It all happened so fast. I started throwing up on Thursday night, mom didnt give much thought about it at first, because I usually throws up for no reason at all. But when I threw up pretty much all day friday, MOM scooped me up, put me in my carriage, drove to the nearest vet and called dad who was out golfing that day.
The vet couldn't do much as they were already closing time, so after taking my XRAYS and bloodtest, he sent me home with my worried mommy. However, DAD wasn't too happy with what the vet did. We woke up very early on Saturday, mom and dad drove to the vet to pick up my xray and blood results and drove straight to the E-vet.
I had a lot of tests done on Saturday and early sunday morning at 1am, the e-vet performed a surgery on me. He managed to retrieve the piece that was blocking my intestine. They kept me for a couple of days and finally last night, mom and dad got to take me home. I'm still on some meds but I am feeling so much better now. Although, I still have to wear the stupid cone. :( Oh well..
If you guys want to add me on FB just search for ZEUS KITTEH. Thanks for reading!

Zeus, we're glad you're okay!! That musta been scary!! For you and your humans!! We hope you don't eat those mats anymore.
Zoey once ate about 12 inches of string and mom was so worried that it would block her intestines just like you. Fortunately, she pooped it out. Whew!
Thank you guys for wishing me well. I think I'm better now coz I get to play hide and seek with my mommy again!
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