Friday, October 23, 2009

The Strangest Thing Happened...

A year and a half ago, we started training the dogs to heel while we're on the bikes.  We go for an hour ride everynight to practice.  It was a warm summer day and as my DH was trying to get our bikes ready and making sure the dogs are properly leashed, my eyes caught something moving behind our big pine tree.  I saw the tail.  I screamed, "Oh no, there's a cat, bring the dogs back in the yard!"  Cain at that time had some serious thing for bunnies and I was worried that he might mistaken the poor cat for a bunny and go after it.

Cain and Abel were trying to see what it was.  They were whimpering behind the gate and whinning to get out.  They were never around cats and I didn't want this little situation to be a bad experience.  It wasn't the right time.  Its not how I planned to introduce them to a cat.  In my mind, if they are going to be exposed to a cat,  I want to make sure that the cat is also properly socialized and is used to being around dogs.

I had my camera with me because I was trying to document our progress with the bike heeling.  I snapped a few pictures of the cat and off we went to our nightly bike stroll.  This all happened even before we had Xena.

I have forgotten about the incident and as you can tell, is quite proud and happy of how things are going between Zeus and the dogs.  I can never ask for a better pack of animals than the ones I have now.  Its just perfect.  Everyone gets along well.  Until a few minutes ago, for some reason, I remember the cat we saw.  I wasn't very sure at first, but I knew the cat was the same color as Zeus.  I uploaded that photo in my computer before and I decided to look for it.

My jaw dropped to the floor.  The cat is almost a CARBON COPY of Zeus.  If I didn't find Zeus as a kitten, I would think that it could be him.  Here are the photos of the cat:

This cat was wandering our area when we saw him.  Could it be, that I actually met ZEUS dad a year and a half ago?  Was it destiny?  Was he outside our house to tell me that a year and a half later, I will be caring for his son?

Why MOMMY loves Fridays...

Because Mommy found our youngest family member on a friday.  She wasn't sure if she can keep him, but this picture that she sent to Dad at work when we found him, SEALED the deal.  The very next day, daddy named him Zeus.

Zeus and his bestest friend Cain

and we've come along wayyyy since then..  we even share the couch..