experiencing freedom because we earned it...
because we've shown MOM that we can be trusted...
that when she calls, no matter what or however much fun we're having
that WE are gonna be there...
all she needs to do is call.

the expression on my face..
tongue hanging out..
running like i dont give a care..

running free..
enjoying life...
being dogs...

being alive...
and sharing it with those we love...
I wish Marge had a good recall. Her fears and her intense desire to keep sniffing things despite my calls of her name kind of limit her, though.
it will come Sam. =) Its when we dont expect it that they show us they are ready to be trusted. =) Xena was once like that. It was almost embarassing taking her to the park and no matter how many times I call her, she just keeps ignoring me. But we kept working on it until one day, it just happened. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and Marge!
Beautiful. They certainly seem to be enjoying themselves! I love it when dogs can just be trusted to a great expanse of land for a while to just be dogs. Buck and Jake love it when we go camping for that very reason.
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